Coralie Ehinger (Switzerland)
Founder of etheremin (, French speaking website dedicated to the theremin
Organizer of N/O/D/E (, theremin and other sound curiosities event in Switzerland
Co-writer of the book « manuel d’initiation au theremin »
Performs with the theremin under the pseudonym Therminal C and gives lectures in schools, festivals, etc. about the instrument (
What prompted you to play theremin?
At first, the delicate, sensitive and enchanting sound, the elegance of the gesture. The challenge of taming the indomitable. The hability of mastering and letting go at the same time. The human side of this electronic device. Then, i have been captivated by the historical context of the instrument and all the early electronic music developement.
What were your first feelings when you heard the sounds of theremin:
Love a first sight. I never totally recovered from that encounter : I became an ether waves addict. and where did it happen? The theremin crossed my path for the first time in 1998, as i was attending a concert of Cornelius, a japanese rock band. A few years after, my brother bought and built a Moog Etherwave kit. He never really got the chance to play it, as i tried the instrument and adopted it.
What is your musical philosophy and what place it occupies a theremin?
Music is to life what spices are to food : it gives it a special color & taste. It is universal and cultural at the same time. It carries energy, emotions, feelings. It creates an atmosphere. It is communication, communion, sharing. Without it, food would lack flavour. Theremin is a tool to create a very important spice : it adds a unique flavour to music.
Prospects for theremin and its place in modern music space – how you see them? For what qualities you value this tool?
The Theremin, if played properly, can be used in any kind of music. Even though some instruments can emulate the sound of the theremin, and are easier to master, the theremin is still played today, and is in fact more and more popular: no one could emulate the magic and senstivity of its sound, when played in the air, by a fine thereminist.
Which manufacturer of theremin do you prefer?
I currently play an Etherwave Pro Theremin. I do like Moog’s theremins, but as a matter of fact, I do not mind that much about the manufacturer. I care about the relation, feelings i have playing the instrument.
What you can recommend for beginners thereminists, or those who are just going to start their way of thereminist?
Consider buying a Moog Etherwave : today, it is your best option available. And it can be much improved by installing Thierry Frenkel’s module. Mind the amplifier : it will be your theremin’s voice, you don’t want to ruin it with a poor monitor. A zen attitude is required. Relax, breathe, stand still. Increase your will power and patience. Understand the working principle of your theremin. Mind your environnement. Practise. As much as you can. The more often the better, even if not for long. Tune your instrument carefully. Train you ear. Take a lesson with a professional theremin player. Any other musical teaching and approach can be helpful. Visit dedicated websites, forums, facebook groups, youtube channels (such as Carolina Eyck’s), etc. Many useful advices can be found online. Record yourself and be critical. HAVE FUN.