Category: video

Christmas Thereminology festival
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Christmas Thereminology

Christmas Thereminology festival!  

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In this year Thereminology festival is dedicated to the centenary of russian theremin and to Lev Theremin, genius and innovator The Thereminology festival will be attended by over 60 thereminists – members of the St. Petersburg Theremin Society, finalists of…

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In this year Thereminology festival is dedicated to the centenary of russian theremin and to Lev Theremin, genius and innovator The Thereminology festival will be attended by over 60 thereminists – members of the St. Petersburg Theremin Society, finalists of…

10 Most Popular Theremin Videos on YouTube
Posted in Publications video

10 Most Popular Theremin Videos on YouTube

Peter Theremin This year the video hosting YouTube turns 15 years old and, of course, You Tube it is great ability to instantly introduce your work to potentially unlimited audience, YouTube has changed the world. The theremin turns 100 this…

theremin star 100
0 Comment on Theremin star 4.2
Posted in theremin star video

Theremin star 4.2

Theremin Today starts the competition “Theremin Star” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the theremin, which we will celebrate next year, and will continue in 2020The competition will take place in several stages: 1.Every 10 days, we will select the 5…

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What is a theremin? TEDx

Peter Theremin on TEDx Moscow, 2015 “The difference between a synthesizer and theremin – this, I would say, how is the difference between a Facebook messenger and live communication.” English and French subtitles

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Conversando con Cristina Pacheco – Ernesto Mendoza

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Muse – theremin cover!

Peter Theremin  – theremin

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Thorwald Jorgensen plays Glier

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Le Rossignol (A. Alyabieff) – Thierry Frenkel (theremin)