theremin star final competition


Theremin Today starts the competition “Theremin Star” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the theremin, which we will celebrate next year, and will continue in 2020
The competition will take place in several stages:

1.Every 10 days, we will select the 5 most recent videos with Theremin and publish them on Theremin Today, voting for the best video will last 10 days from the date of publication on the page of Theremin Today.
Everyone can    vote ” , the number of  votes  will determine the winner of this release.

2. Every  six edition will be held semi-final for the leaders of the vote – among the three winners will be only one.

3. The final of the competition will be held inJanuary 2020! The start of voting on January 10, 2020, the closing of the vote on January 19 at 23-59 Moscow time .. the winner will have the opportunity to perform at the anniversary festival Thereminology in Russia.
The remaining finalists will receive memorable prizes for the 100th anniversary of the theremin.

We hope that this project will be a good opportunity for everyone to show love for theremin and to get acquainted with modern theremin performers!

  1. Lina Gervasi (Italy)

2. Giulia Riboli (Tears of sirens)( Italy)

3. Hyrtis ( France)

4. Massimo Cervini ( Decostruttori Postmodernisti) ( Italy)

5.Veronik ( Peru)

6.Charlie Draper (United Kingdom)

  • HYRTIS 34%, 1061 vote
    1061 vote 34%
    1061 vote - 34% of all votes
  • VERONIK 32%, 1016 votes
    1016 votes 32%
    1016 votes - 32% of all votes
  • GIULIA RIBOLI 21%, 658 votes
    658 votes 21%
    658 votes - 21% of all votes
  • CHARLIE DRAPER 8%, 239 votes
    239 votes 8%
    239 votes - 8% of all votes
  • MASSIMO CERVINI 6%, 190 votes
    190 votes 6%
    190 votes - 6% of all votes
Total Votes: 3164
10.01.2020 - 20.01.2020
Voting is closed
Polls Archive
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Dear friends!
❗️We were forced to remove the video of Lina Gervasi from the vote.
Unfortunately, Lina became a victim of spam attacks, we will find out the circumstances of this situation. Thank you for voting for Lina.

We will make additional material about this situation.

❗️We are very sad that such a situation arose. We wish good luck to the participants and we will monitor suspicious votes for the participants and block them.❗️

I regret that this situation happened with Lina at the competition, she is a talented musician and we feel that she will have many successes in future.♥️? #ThereminForever

#ThereminStar #Theremin100

Peter Theremin thereminist, Theremin Today header, great-grandson of Leon Theremin

56 thoughts on “THEREMIN STAR: FINAL

  1. J’aime beaucoup les enregistrements de Hyrtis, c’est une belle personne sensible et courageuse, je lui souhaite sincèrement de gagner à ce jeu.
    Je lui transmets mes amitiés et un clin d’œil aux autres concurrents qui sont tous dignes d’intérêt.

  2. Après avoir visionné et écouté Hyrtis j’estime qu’elle a des chances de remporter cette finale

  3. La sensibilité musicale d’Hyrtis m’émerveille à chaque fois que je l’écoute. Ses capacités de concentration, d’écoute intérieure et sa belle technique se complètent heureusement pour provoquer des émotions indicibles. Sensationnel !

  4. à fond avec hYrtis une excellente ambassadrice du Theremin..Des performances qui enchantent les Publics qu’elle rencontre
    Beaucoup de sensibilité et d’expression musicale dans la diversité des pièces jouées
    I wish the best for you ! you deserve it !
    Je croise les doigts !

    1. Entiendo que se vote por ella por apoyar a una compatriota, pero eso sería negarle el premio a quién se lo merece por su interpretación. Hyrtis y Lina logran con el instrumento algo muy sublime…

  5. J’aime beaucoup la délicatesse et la belle présence sur scène de Hyrtis. J’apprécie sa prestation et ses interprétations. Je lui souhaite vivement de réussir

  6. Bonne chance à Hyrtis, une artiste avec une interprétation exceptionnelle que j’ai découvert grâce à son papa qui est exceptionnel comme elle. Un grand talent sur cet instrument qui mérite d’être récompensé!

  7. Je croise les doigts pour que tu remportes ce concours Gladys ????

  8. On est avec toi Hyrtis, on croise les doigts, la meilleure

  9. Magnifique ! cosmique !
    Si tu veux je te propose de présenter cet instrument à mes élèves au collège jacques Amyot.

  10. Vine a votar por Veronik, pero su interpretación, sin menospreciar, está lejos de lo logrado por Hyrtis (opción 3). Al final acabé votando por ella…

  11. Nous croisons les doigts pour Gladys… Exceptionnelle…. comme son papa….

  12. So sad to to hear that Lina is out from the competition because of a spam issue. I like her interpretation and the others’ ones, but I think that this matter should be clarified and this competition have to be restarted from 0. I found not correct for every contestants to unfairly disadvantage one of them in this way.
    Congratulation to Lina for the nice sound and the beautiful music you are interpreting! <3

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