Valeria Sturba (Italy)

Valeria Sturba is young violinist to be discovered, collaborator of songwriters and alternative jazz groups, also appreciated interpreter of the electronic instrument invented back in 1919. Together they give life to Ooopopoiooo, a sort of concert for two theremin, instruments, various objects and electronics , to which some musicians come from some of the most creative fringes of improvised and popular music

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What prompted you to play theremin? 

I was impressed by his wonderful sound … and the charm of playing “air”.

What were your first feelings when you heard the sounds of theremin and where did it happen?

I saw for the first time on TV .. and I immediately fell in love with him …

What is your musical philosophy and what place it occupies a theremin? 

Music is my life: is my passion and my work … I began playing the violin at 4 years … I started to play the theremin only 7 months ago … but now it’s really essential!

Prospects for theremin and its place in modern music space – how you see them? For what qualities you value this tool?

When you think of the theremin, you immediately think of the music sci-fi. But I think the theremin can be used for all types of music: rock, pop, jazz, experimental music … his greatest quality is that, if exploited to its full potential, it is a very versatile tool.

Which manufacturer of theremin do you prefer? 
