Posted in audio

Clara Rockmore “Lost Theremin Album” online

“Lost Theremin Album” is an album that was recorded by the only virtuoso of theremin – Clara Rockmore. This album, released in 2006, was recorded together with Clara’s sister – the outstanding pianist Nadia Reisenberg. The music of Bach, Kreisler,…

1 Comment on Clara Rockmore – interview
Posted in Publications

Clara Rockmore – interview

Moog: Clara, how do you regard the theremin? What is your approach to the instrument? Rockmore: I am interested in making beautiful music rather than sound effects. That is the core of my approach to the theremin. This is something very dear…

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Conversando con Cristina Pacheco – Ernesto Mendoza

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Theremin in Turkey

Thorwald Jorgensen in Turkey! CSO Concert Hall, November 24, 2017 – 20:00 Rachmaninoff, Fuleihan, Alabiev With Presidential Symphony Orchestra Of Turkey

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Theremin and bas @Germany, define festival

Søndag, 12.11.2017 kl. 14:30 Multikulturhuset på havnen Carolina Eyck, theremin Philipp Martin, bas Theremin og bas Den unge duo Carolina Eyck og Philipp Martin optræder med nye stykker for theremin og bas. Carolina Eyck (født 1987) er en af nutidens mest kendte og efterspurgte…

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Theremin in @Blind Orchestra, St.Petersburg

On November 8, at 20:00, Peter Theremin performance as part of the international project “The Blind Orchestra”. The musicians play blindfolded, and the conductor controls the orchestra, touching the musicians with a conductor’s baton. Read more:

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Robert Meyer

So please, if you have anything that you would like to say publicly about Clara Rockmore, her creativity and her works, – please write. Clara Rockmore was the first person I recorgnized on Youtube, of course long before Google made…

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Muse – theremin cover!

Peter Theremin  – theremin

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Thorwald Jorgensen plays Glier

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Le Rossignol (A. Alyabieff) – Thierry Frenkel (theremin)